Left-Handed Golf Instruction

The world’s population may be 10 to 15% lefties, but there are not many left-handed golfers. The main reason is that most of them prefer to stick to right-handed golf. In addition, it used to be quite difficult to come across left-handed instruction manuals and left-handed golf clubs.

But that is a thing of the past now, since more and more golf instruction manuals are being targeted to lefties. The top coach Steve Anderson has authored the book ‘On the Other Hand’, which is meant for left-handed golfers. Bob Charles is one of the best left-handed golfers in the world and he has put together an instruction video, the only one of its kind, to give insight on how he achieved success as a lefty golfer. The game of golf also lays stress on playing it more with your eyes than your hands.

Some famous lefthanders are quite ambidextrous this way, using their left hand only for the game and their right for everything else. Experts say that it is required to look at the ball first and visualize it going away from your body. That will show you which side of the ball to take. The world has seen very few top left-handed golfers.

But these instructional tutorials might prove helpful to hone talent. They give you clear and comprehensible instructions on how to play your game the left-handed way. You get more insight on your full swings, putting and even game management. Mike Weir and Phil Mickelson are the two names that appear together with Bob Charles as the world’s top three left-handed golfers.

Left-handed equipment might also be difficult to come across, but there are some sites which offer a wealth of it. Golf Smith and The Golf Warehouse are two international sites that stock a wide range of these products. Edwin Watts of U.S.A. and Online Golf in Europe have also been serving a long line of such web customers.

Golf Instruction provides detailed information on Golf Instruction, Free Golf Instruction, Golf Swing Instruction, Online Golf Instruction and more. Golf Instruction is affiliated with Top Golf Schools.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elizabeth_Morgan

Published in: on May 25, 2010 at 11:44 am  Leave a Comment  
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Left-Handed Golf Clubs – Play Like a Pro

In the past, there were a lot of people who didn’t get to play golf because they’re left-handed. This is not saying that the sport back then was mainly for those who are right-handed. It’s just that in those times, left handed golf clubs weren’t that developed yet. So people who are lefties would mainly play right but get little success when they stepped out on the golf course. Nowadays though, everybody can enjoy the sport and all the benefits that it offers. There are now equipment designed specifically for people who play better when they play lefty.

Where To Find Them

Generally, most sporting good stores should have golfing gear for left-handed people. These would include left handed golf clubs as well. They’ve really become more popular over the years, so much so that even right handed people sometimes would play lefty and use these clubs themselves to see how well they do with them. Finding these clubs will not be hard to find. To save yourself the time though, it’s better to check out some websites on the internet to see where the nearest ones are located.

What To Keep In Mind When Picking One

There are various factors that you should consider prior to buying a set of clubs for yourself. Although left handed golf clubs are, of course made for left-handed people, you simply cannot pick the first ones you encounter. Instead, get a feel for the clubs first and find out which among them you’re most comfortable with. Doing so will ensure that you get the best set that are the most suitable for you to use. Of course try to stick to the price range that you set for yourself. However, bear in mind that as a golfer, you can’t really put a price tag on how well you play.

Practicing On The Golf Course

Now that you have your new set of left handed golf clubs, all you need to do is get a little practice on the golf course and you’ll notice your game improve steadily. Granted, it will take some getting used to when you finally get to use your clubs. However, constant practice is still recommended to get your skills to be better.

With the right combination of golf equipment and perseverance, it won’t be long be long before you’re able to play with your buddies and be able to beat them easily.

For those who want to know more about Left Handed Golf Clubs, you had better visit Discount Golf Clubs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_M._Randolph

Published in: on May 12, 2010 at 5:44 am  Leave a Comment  

Left Hand Compound Bows – Essential Tips For Choosing You Compound Bow

Left Hand Compound Bows

Left Hand Compound Bows

If you try to determine whether you need a left hand compound bow or right hand compound bow you need to understand a few simple concepts.

To begin with a right-hand hunter should buy a right hand compound bow. Conversely, a left-handed archer should use a left hand compound bow. This is as simple as is. Some hunters get confused about this concept because they think that if they hold the bow in their left hand (all right-handed people do that) that means they need a left hand bow. This is a huge misunderstanding.

Having said that I need to add that it is very important to understand another concept when choosing your bow: your eye dominance. This is because some people don’t fall into the principle left hand bows for right-handed people and right hand bow for left-handed people. This is where eye dominance comes in.

Let’s put it this way – if your eye dominance is different to your hand dominance you are an exclusion from the above rule. That is why you need to understand what is your eye dominance and whether or not it matches your hand dominance. If your eye dominance is different to your hand dominance you may have a very bad experience shooting with the incorrect type of compound bow.

What you could also do before choosing the right type of bow is to pretend that you are shooting with one. Just close your left eye first and put your hands into the right position pretending you are about to shoot. How do you feel? Try to do the same closing another eye and change your hands position. What is the most comfortable position?

To summarize, there is a general rule about choosing the right bow type: if you are a right-handed person you should buy left hand compound bow, otherwise get the right hand one. Make sure you also check your eye dominance first to ensure you fall into this common rule.

Good luck with your next hunting/archery session!

Daniel Lancer is a highly respected bow hunting and archery expert. If you really liked this article and want to read my reviews about the following books whitetail deer hunting tips and guide and archery shooting tips visit his blog now…

Published in: on July 17, 2009 at 9:34 am  Comments (1)  

To Bad Everyone’s Not Left Handed

There are so many advantages to being left handed that a single blog is probably not long enough. From using the creative right side of our brain to an unlimited number of famous left handed people who have contributed to our society, being left handed is an awesome physical attribute to have.

The roughly 10% of the population that are left handed tend to enjoy the arts and music more than our right handed friends due to the way our left handed brain works. The sports world has also appreciated the contributions of fellow southpaws such as Babe Ruth, Martina Navratilova, Mark Spitz, Larry Bird, etc. Go to the movies and you can watch left handers like Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, and Robert DeNiro perform at the top level of the current box office performers.

Our world is definately a better place to live with the contributions of Leonardo Di Vinci, Ben Franklin, Henry Ford And Bill Gates. All left handed.

Not sure if you’re a true lefty? Go to my webpage on Left Handed Test and evaluate yourself or your family and friends.

Being left handed is such an increadible gift that we should  use our talent to help the world become a better place. Have you figured out what your contribution is or will be? Go to BeingLeftHanded.com and explore the possibilites.

To bad everyone’s not left handed! 😉

Published in: on February 23, 2009 at 6:35 pm  Leave a Comment